Querying the API

A guide to using the Vaultlytics API to get your Google Analytics UA data

1. Find your API key and Analytics Property ID

In your Vaultlytics portal find your API key here: https://www.vaultlytics.com/portal/api and the ID for the Analytics profile you want to use within Looker here: https://www.vaultlytics.com/portal

2. Query API

We are using Postman for this example. Create a new `GET` request and use this URL: https://www.vaultlytics.com/api/search_by_date?startDate=20200608&endDate=20200620&analyticsPropertyId=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx&isSummarised=1&page=1 substituting the Analytics Profile ID from above in the querystring and the dates you want to search.

Also use isSummarised> if you want to have summarised date (i.e. no dimensions).

3. Add Authentication

In the Authorization tab, click Bearer Token and add your API key from above.

Add Bearer Token
Add bearer token

4. Run query

Click Send, and it will query the database and return your data. You will see at the bottom of the returned data pagination you can then use to get more.

"currentPage": 1,
"totalPages": 2,
"totalCount": 12